Ultimate Character Tier List (January 2024) Steve Guide: Matchup Chart and Combos Super Smash Bros. As there are no more patches coming to Smash Ultimate, it is unlikely to see him be dethroned from this spot. Steve, the second character released in Fighter's Pass 2, has remained unmoved in the top spot of the tier list, as more top players have been able to use him to gain results. ・Weaknesses have become more apparent as players have had more time to use him. ・Lack of significant results in top level competitive play, aside from a handful of players. ・Great ability to counter many of the other top tiers ・More displays of strengths through tournament results ・Amazing matchup spread against most of the roster, including Steve. ・High rate of win results in tournament play
Significant Changes to Our Tier List Character Alongside the fact that we have had more time to experiment with the powerful Fighter's Pass 2 characters, we have made some large scale changes to our tier list. With offline tournaments taking place again with higher and higher frequency, and top players demonstrating the potential of several characters that were previously seeing less results, the meta of Smash Ultimate has begun to see some large scale changes. Recent Tier List Updates Tier List Revamped!